
Friday, November 02, 2007

ross:i know!!! i really hope to get to know you soon...at ako ang mata mo sa wamu, dont worry :p

.sore throat.

ang sakit sakit ng lalamunan ko!!! good thing its my weekend from work already. i can rest my voice na and maybe...maybe just lessen my yosi. hahaha. i really think its one of the major causes of my sore throat. too much smoking than talking too much at work, or is it the queueing during my shift?? i bought strepsils na, pero ang sakit pa din. bedroom voice na ako.

poor me. hahah. one of my light posts, i guess. di ako masyadong emo ngayon. hahah.

it was a pretty rough week for me, both work and personal sense. but i'm glad everything fell into place today. panira lang talaga yung sore throat..but i guess, you cant have it all. right?


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